Colour coding:
Yellow: information through different media. No tasks are submitted here.
Blue: individual tasks.
Green: group tasks
Pink: self correcting quiz
Purple: evaluation of the loop
Article – In the article there is often a combination of text that the leader writes and media that s/he links or uploads. The material is embedded to form an article with mixed media. In the article the participant takes part of the information. There is nothing here to work with or to submit.
Glossary – A glossary is used to highlight important terms and their definitions. Can be used in combination with a Terminology quiz, for participants to check what they have learned.
Task – In the node called task an individual task is created. When a participant submits an answer here, only the leader will see it. Participants can’t see each other’s answers. This is why this node is a good idea when handing out an extensive task where the leader wants to be able to give individual feedback to participants. Participants can, as always, submit their answer using different media. So can the leader.
Logbook – The logbook is created mainly to have the opportunity to observe a learning process during a more extensive work area. In the logbook participants can describe their work, their reflections and their decisions clearly and in many steps. Each time a participant has submitted something, the leader will see it and can give relevant feedback during the learning process.
Questions and answers – If several questions need answers, short or more extensive, it is easy for your participants to respond in the Questions and answers node. Every question is numbered and it is easy to see and give feedback to every submitted answer.
Group assignment – In a group assignment, the participants in each group have a shared space to write on. They can collect material to the assignment, continue writing on each other’s texts or make a summary of a discussion they have had. The leader needs to divide participants into groups before they can start working in the node. Only one participant at a time can click to answer. Try it together and you will see how it works.
Notice board – In the Notice board node each participant gets their own response field, where they can contribute their thoughts on a question. Participants can also comment on each other’s posts and give feedback on posts. All participants will be heard equally in the Notice board node.
Quiz – In the quiz the leader creates multiple choice questions. A quiz can be used as a formative check off, as repetition or as a knowledge check before starting a new work area. It is up to the leader to decide whether participants are allowed to do the quiz once or several times.
Terminology quiz – In the Terminology quiz, the leader can choose to import a Glossary if s/he has made one. It will then automatically turn into a quiz where the participant pairs the terms with their explanation. It is also possible to create a Terminology quiz from scratch, without using the content from a glossary.
Evaluation – In the evaluation node, participants can reflect on their learning in the learning loop by answering the leader’s questions about work in the loop.